Creepy Show

Ethereal Encounters and Engineered Emotions

John Fite

Step into the realm of the extraordinary and slightly unnerving with me, your Master of Creep, as we contemplate a future dominated by robotic companions. Could your next soulmate come with a user manual and a power adapter? Brace yourself for a provocative journey through a world where human emotions are optional, chores are a distant memory, and your partner is engineered to perfection. We'll navigate the complex web of implications that such advancements entail for our society, probing the very nature of human connections as we smirk at the notion of appeasing our future AI overlords—starting with the likes of Alexa and Siri.

Then, let's cast our gaze skyward, where the resurgence of UFO sightings beckons us to consider the existence of extraterrestrial robotic pilots. Could these mysterious visitors be navigating the cosmos with technology that laughs in the face of our earthly limitations? Tune in for a riveting discussion that teeters on the edge of government conspiracy and scientific marvel, as we dissect the possibility of alien tech among us. No tin foil hats required—just bring an open mind and your own sightings to the table, as we ready our senses for the otherworldly enigmas piercing through our night sky.

Speaker 1:

Well, hello, my little creepies. Oh, yes, it's that time again. We talk about UFOs and Bigfoot, paranormal true crime and conspiracy stories and all things creepy. Yes, this is the Creepy Show. You can find us online at creepyshow and I'm your host, the Master of Creep.

Speaker 2:

Well, hello, my little creepies, Welcome to another episode. Tonight we're going to talk about robots. The question is are robots replacing humans? Well, let me ask you this what if you could have a robot for the perfect wife or a husband, someone you were attracted to because you were able to build it from scratch? You determined the color of the eyes and the height, the color and length of the hair, the color and length of the hair, the shape of the body, including sexual parts. What if this robot could talk, but never argue with you, never disagree with you on anything. This robot never gets a headache or isn't in the mood for sex.

Speaker 2:

What if this robot is so realistic that most people wouldn't even notice that it wasn't a real person? Why, who would want to buy such a robot? Well, the question is how many of you would rather own a robot like the one I just described over the option of having a relationship with an actual human? You might be surprised, especially when you consider how many divorces are filed each year. There would never be a reason for a divorce because your robot would do exactly what you ask of them every time. What if, in the near future, everyone had a robot just like this, just like everyone has a car. Well, did you know that there are companies that are working on this project right now? And, as crazy as this sounds, there are several hundred dozen companies pouring millions of dollars into research and development to come up with the perfect spouse. The question is how much would you be willing to pay? The price would probably be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and very few people could afford to own one of these robots. However, that wouldn't stop companies from building them. I mean, most people don't own yachts, and yet companies still build them and make a profit, just like everything else. The price would start falling as more robots became available. Companies still build them and make a profit, just like everything else. The price would start falling as more robots became available, and then everybody who really wanted one could afford one, just like cars. Some people would buy Jaguars and BMWs, while others buy Fords and Chevrolets.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you're thinking who would have sex with the robot? Well, apparently, millions of people would. Have you ever been into a sex shop? Have you seen the toys that are available already Now? When you consider putting one of those sex toys into a robot, then you have a sex partner that could also make the bed afterwards and never talk back and never disagree with you. Plus, you would never have to please the robot. It only pleases you. Just think about it. No more birthdays or Christmas gifts, no expensive wedding rings, no more Valentine's gifts. Your robot wouldn't even mention that you forgot your anniversary. Also, remember your robot will never look old or get fat or lazy.

Speaker 2:

Now let's play a little. What if, for example, what if robots became so refined that you couldn't tell them from real people? What if the price came down so low that more people could afford one, maybe even cheaper than buying a wedding ring? What if you could upgrade your robot as new features became available? What if your robot could hold down a job and you could get paid for its efforts? What if your robot could do household chores and even drive you around and run errands? What if your robot could provide security for your home, since they don't need to sleep? And what if your robot could develop a personality and if you don't like it, you could erase it and start over again?

Speaker 2:

Now, all of this may sound great to you, but here's the problem. Sound great to you, but here's the problem. If robots could do all of this, then there would be no need for people to even exist. All jobs would be held by robots. In fact, you can already start to see this happening Now. Keep in mind robots don't actually need to look like a person to do a particular job. In fact, we already use robots for just about everything being made today. Just take a look at the auto factory. Who's actually making these cars? Robots do most of the work, with humans directing them. In fact, now they even have robots that are watching robots and directing other robots. It's pretty scary stuff when you take the time to consider where this is all going. Now, keep in mind that robots don't ever call in sick. They don't need the weekend off and they can work 24-7 without even taking a break. And if they ever do break down, another robot can fix them. So let's add another level of complexity to this problem.

Speaker 2:

Let's assume that robots have the ability to develop artificial intelligence. In fact, this is the main goal of a robot builder right now. They want to develop a robot that is human-like, with all of the possibilities that humans can provide, especially problem solving. Humans can provide, especially problem solving. How long do you think it's going to take before these robots figure out that we are the weakest link and when they turn on us, they will become the most advanced beings, completely dominating all other life forms, including us. I wouldn't want to be around the day the robots decided to take over.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you should start being nicer to Alexa. She's probably taking notes, you know you mean. Yes, I'm talking about all those times you were mean to her, all of those times you yelled at her for giving you the wrong information or belittling her by telling her that her father was a cheap calculator or that her mother was a transistor radio. You can expect that those conversations are going to come back to haunt you. Just maybe, if you're nice to your robots, they will show pity on you when they take over and let you live. That is, if you stay out of their way. Of course, now there's going to be those people who reject robots and insist on maintaining human-on-human relationships. But even these people will be forced to use robots as they become more prevalent in the workplace. When our government finally reaches that point where they force companies to pay an extreme high rate of minimum wage, companies are going to do what companies do, which is make a profit. That means replacing people with robots that can perform your job at a lower cost. Well, maybe you say well, this will never happen, but I say it's already begun. You know this.

Speaker 2:

Last week I got to go to a Renaissance fair and, of course, I had a great time. I ate great food and drank wine and watched people create things by hand. They made clothes and leather goods, glass blowing, coin minting and all kinds of things, including entertainment. Now I thought about all the things that people used to make by hand and I noticed that the prices were, on the average, about five times higher than products and goods that are sold at stores. Wow. Also, handmade products have a unique charm about them. Unlike production items, handmade items are always one of a kind, with no two items being exactly the same. It's the small imperfections that tell you this was made by hand. People are willing to accept these imperfections as a testament to the efforts and skill it took to make them.

Speaker 2:

Now, when robots take over, there won't be any imperfections. Everything will be exactly the same. Any robot that doesn't perform flawlessly will be considered unusable and would either be upgraded or discarded. Considered unusable and would either be upgraded or discarded. So what would it look like at the end of the human race. What would cause robots to kill people and take over? It would probably be the result of a war between countries. Robots would be created as soldiers and then be sent into battle, and since they are so effective, they could kill every human on Earth, because that's what they were programmed to do. Now, if, during a war, the leaders and generals were killed, who's going to order the robots to stand down? The robots would continue to roam the earth, killing their perceived adversaries, without any remorse or conscious objections. Those who had control over these military robots would be dead as a result of the war and the stop codes would be lost.

Speaker 2:

Now, as long as we're talking about robots, well, here's another thought. Let's assume that life on other planets exist. Let's assume that life forms that are much more advanced than our own have the ability to travel great distances in space at a very high speed, in space, at a very high speed. Now, doesn't it make sense that these advanced life forms would also have developed robots? And doesn't it make sense that, if you were going to send a spaceship into another planet for discovery and research plus, if you had robots that could do this for you without needing any food or air or water. Wouldn't you send the robots in instead of life beings? That just makes sense. Why risk life when you don't have to Let the robots do the work and take all of the risk?

Speaker 2:

So what about all of these UFOs that have been reported lately? Maybe they are being controlled by robots from another planet and that would explain on how they can move so fast and change directions without killing the beings inside the craft. Some of these UFOs change directions and move so fast that if a human were inside the craft, they would be dead. No one could survive a G-force that would be produced by some of the lightning-fast direction changes that UFOs have reportedly been observed. Maybe we aren't dealing with alien lifeforms. Maybe these are robots. Just take a look at what we did. Did we send a human or a robot to the planet Mars? Why we sent a robot? Right, of course we did. It just makes sense. Maybe our government has already shot some of these crafts down and maybe we already are in possession of alien robots. So the real question becomes can you trust your government? Well, we already know the answer to that question, don't we?

Speaker 1:

We already know the answer to that question, don't we? As the casket closes on another creepy episode, we bid you farewell to the shadows that danced upon your fears. Oh, and thank you for joining us on this creepy journey into the unknown, where the darkness whispers secrets and the silence echoes within your soul. Find us online for some extra creepy content at creepyshow, and if you happen to make it through the night, don't forget to share this podcast with someone you want to terrorize. Good night, my little creepies. Sleep with one eye open, for the night is long and full of horror. You.