Creepy Show

Whispers of Crime: Unveiling the Dark Side of Hypnosis in Dallas

John Fite

Can you imagine the terror of a midnight call whispering "orange pecans" and the dread of discovering it's a harbinger of crimes you're entangled in? This episode of The Creepy Show takes you on a haunting escapade into the mind-bending realm of hypnosis where our protagonist, David, finds himself at the center of a mystifying crime wave in Dallas. A sporting goods store manager by day, he's unwittingly drawn into a sinister world where thieves operate with knowledge that seems impossible to possess. I'll guide you through the spine-tingling details of a burglary that screams inside job, and the gripping twist when a second heist unfolds before the unblinking eye of a surveillance camera. Grab your magnifying glass and detective hat, my dear creepies, as we unravel this hypnotic mystery together.

As the shadows lengthen and the plot thickens, you'll be perched precariously on the edge of your seat while the mastermind behind these eerie events comes to light. The tale crescendos with a police stakeout and the unmasking of the hypnotic crime ring led by the devious Dr. Madden. Through the cunning work of a determined detective and David's savvy attorney, we expose years of Madden's manipulation, turning innocent patients into his personal legion of thieves. With every revelation, the truth grows more bizarre, culminating in an arrest that sends shockwaves through the criminal underworld. Stay tuned for a climax that answers the unnerving question: just how deep can the Dark Side of Hypnosis reach into our minds? Join me, as we confront the chilling reality of what lies beneath the surface of the subconscious.

Speaker 1:

Well, hello, my little creepies. Ha ha, ha ha. Oh yes, it's that time again, my little creepies. Oh yes, it's that time again. We talk about UFOs and Bigfoot, paranormal true crime and conspiracy stories and all things creepy. Yes, this is the Creepy Show. You can find us online at creepyshow and I'm your host, the Master of. Creep.

Speaker 2:

Well, hello, my little creepies. It's time for another episode of the Creepy Show. Tonight's episode is called the Dark Side of Hypnosis. David's cell phone rings, waking him up at 1.45 in the morning. Who in the hell is calling me at this time of the hour? He scrambles to find his glowing smartphone that was sitting on a small table next to the bed and his eyes were too blurry to read the caller's ID that was flashing on the face of the phone. Uh hello, the voice on the other end of the line said Orange pecans. And that's it, just orange pecans. Well, that's strange. And then the call ended. David was way too tired to even question the call. He sat up on his bed for a minute, he put his phone back down on its charging base and he laid back down and drifted off to sleep.

Speaker 2:

Well, the next morning David woke up to the sound of his alarm reminding him that he still had a job and it was time to get ready to go to work. He shuffled his feet toward his bathroom with his eyes still half closed. Until he gets his first cup of coffee, david was still technically asleep. After going to the restroom, david grabbed his favorite coffee cup and wandered into the kitchen and stood in front of his single K-cup coffee maker. He poured in some bottled water and opened up the drawer below his coffee maker where he kept all of his K-cup coffee pods. He inserted one of the pods into the coffee maker and pushed the start button. He stood there just staring at the coffee maker with his blurred vision, waiting for hot coffee to start pouring out. Finally, after what seemed to take an hour, the coffee started to pour into his cup. Well, actually it only took about 60 seconds, but when you're waiting for that first cup of coffee, it can seem like a lifetime. As the coffee started pouring out, the first thing to hit David was the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Just the smell of coffee snapped his eyes wide open and he could hardly wait to taste the hot coffee. It seemed like a drug to David. He can't function without his first cup of coffee. Well, david would continue to get ready to go to work showering, shaving, brushing his teeth and getting dressed for another dreaded day of work.

Speaker 2:

David was the manager of a family-owned sporting goods store located in Dallas Texas. Owned sporting goods store located in Dallas Texas. The store sold fishing equipment and hunting supplies. And as David was starting out the door. He grabbed his cell phone, which is still sitting on the charger base, and that's when he noticed that someone had called him earlier, like at 1.45 in the morning. He barely remembers the phone ringing and just assumed it was a prank call or maybe somebody had the wrong number. He didn't even remember what the caller wanted. He just remembers being pissed off because the call woke him up in the middle of the night.

Speaker 2:

David arrived at the sporting goods store to open it up. He was always the first one there After all, he was the manager. David opened up the front door and went into the back office and set up the store's cash register. Now each cash register starts off with $200 in 20s, 10s, 5s and 1s. But today was going to be a little different. David opened up the safe where all the money is kept and noticed that the money was gone. Wait what? Yes, the money was missing. The store had been burglarized. He immediately called the police and reported the missing money, and at this point other employees started arriving. David met them outside and told them what had happened. We're waiting for the police to arrive, so we can't go into the store until they get here. It's now a crime scene. He didn't want to disturb any of the evidence.

Speaker 2:

Just a few minutes later, the police arrived and David let them into the building. The police cleared the building and asked to see the video surveillance tape. David said we don't have video cameras because we have never had a problem like this before, and David admitted that it would be time to install a video surveillance system. The police checked out all of the windows, the doors and roof access and it seemed that everything was in order. And they said well, whoever broke in must have had a key, because nothing else is damaged, including the safe. Well, that means that the person who robbed the store knew the safe combination. Now, this news was very worrisome to David because he knew everyone who had a key, and there was only a handful of people, and these were his most trusted employees and he had known these people for many years.

Speaker 2:

The next week, the owner of the shop installed a new surveillance system that automatically activated and recorded when it detected any motion. It was also equipped with an infrared feature so that it could record in complete darkness. The case was never solved and life went on. Several months passed and everything was back to normal. Then, on a Wednesday morning, david opened up the door of the shop and found that the safe was cleaned out again. David exclaimed no, not again. He called the police and they arrived less than three minutes.

Speaker 2:

But this time it was different. We have videotape, so now we can identify the person responsible for breaking in and stealing the money. This was a state-of-the-art video surveillance system and it recorded everything and it saves it. Off-premise, that means in the cloud, on the internet, so that way, if somebody did break in, they couldn't simply steal or break the surveillance system. They would have to know how to get online and reach the actual video files. The owner of the sporting goods shop was the only person who had access to these files. The owner gave access to the Dallas police who started investigating the crime. The recording time stamped on. The crime happened at 2.48 am, and that's when you can see a person entering the front door and, yes, they seem to have a key. The police said well, don't worry, we got them now. It's just a matter of time until we arrest somebody. This news made David feel much better. Now he can go back to being normal, having that surveillance system really paid off.

Speaker 2:

Later that day, the shop owner dropped by and right behind him were the police. The police said David, can we have a little talk in the office? David said David, can we have a little talk in the office? David said sure, david was thinking that someone must have been arrested in the case. And as soon as David reached the office, he asked well, did you get him? And the police said yep, we did. Please put your hands behind your back, david. He said what. The police handcuffed David and read him his rights.

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The shop owner got the keys from David as he was being escorted through the store and into the squad car. The other employees watched in disbelief. It was David in disbelief. It was David. No, that can't be right.

Speaker 2:

David had a dumbfounded look on his face as the police drove him back to the Dallas police station. He was escorted into a small briefing room where he met a detective who had a laptop with the surveillance video on it. David saw the video for the first time and, well, sure enough, he witnessed himself entering the store and cleaning out the safe. David exclaimed that's not right. No, that person must have a mask on. I didn't do that. The explanation fell on deaf ears as the police asked David if he wanted an attorney. And David just lowered his head and shook it. Yes, david was taken in front of a judge who determined a probable cause and set the bill at $5,000. Probable cause and set the bail at $5,000. A court date was set for David and it was scheduled to go about three months. Down the road, david had a rich uncle who put up the bail money and got him out of jail a couple of hours later.

Speaker 2:

Now David was completely confused. He told his attorney well, maybe I'm just going crazy, because I have no memory of doing anything like this. Besides, where's the money? Supposedly I stole more than $4,300. So where's the money? His attorney just stared back at him and said you know, I've never had a case like this.

Speaker 2:

David felt despondent. He had nowhere to go. He turned to a hypnotherapist, dr Chester Madden, who helped him lose weight earlier that same year. David thought well, maybe Dr Madden can unlock my mind and help me remember what I did. He made an appointment and started talking to Dr Madden can unlock my mind and help me remember what I did. He made an appointment and started talking to Dr Madden. But Dr Madden declined the session and he said well, I really don't do this kind of work. I usually deal with just people wanting to lose weight or maybe stop smoking. But that didn't stop David. He wanted answers. So he reached out to another hypnotherapist named Dr Brent Lawson and he agreed to help David.

Speaker 2:

During the session it was discovered that David was still under the influence of Dr Madden, the first hypnotherapist. It was revealed that Dr Madden had hypnotized David to perform the crime. Whenever he heard the term orange pecans, david's attorney said you're never going to get this through a court, you know that right. David's attorney recommended that David should take a plea deal for a lesser jail term, but David said no and he talked to the owner of the sporting goods store and he asked for a meeting to explain what had happened. Well, the owner of the store believed David's story because he had known David for more than 20 years and he knew him to be an honest person. The owner agreed and the two met with the police detective and they decided to give a key to the shop back to David in order to try an experiment.

Speaker 2:

This time it was Dr Lawson who called David up in the middle of the night and, in a deep, hypnotic voice, said orange pecans. And hung up on the phone. Well, sure enough, david stood up and he got dressed. He drove himself to the sporting goods door and he unlocked the front door. But this time was different, because david was being followed by the Dallas police, dr Lawson and the shop owner. But they watched in amazement as David robbed the store. At 3 o'clock in the morning he got back into his car and he drove across town to a mailbox and he put the cash inside. But this was the mailbox that stood in front of Dr Madden's home. David seems to be in some sort of hypnotic trance during this entire incident. David went back home and went back to bed like nothing had ever happened.

Speaker 2:

Finally, the case was solved. However, david's attorney said well, not so fast. The prosecution is going to claim that you are faking all of this and there's still no proof. Well, the police detective agreed with David's attorney, so they decided to stake out Dr Madden's home and, to their surprise, a couple of nights later, another person showed up and they put money in Madden's mailbox, and then another and another. Over the course of several weeks, dr Madden's mailbox was used as a money drop-off for more than a dozen crimes.

Speaker 2:

Well, it seems that Dr Madden is not really into weight loss. He was hypnotizing his patients to steal money from their workplace and then giving it all back to him without their knowledge. He must be pretty good at hypnosis, but not too good in covering up crimes. All the charges were dropped on David and he went back to work at the sporting goods store. Dr Madden was arrested and a warrant was served at his home, and it revealed a safe full of money missing from an estimated 250 crimes. Yet it seems that this has been going on for many years. Yet it seems that this has been going on for many years. In fact, there were still people serving time in jail for crimes that they didn't really commit. More than a dozen who were serving jail time can thank David for breaking this case, but I only have one question for you, my little creepies.

Speaker 1:

Do you like to eat orange pecans? As the casket closes on another creepy episode, we bid you farewell to the shadows that danced upon your fears. Oh, and thank you for joining us on this creepy journey into the unknown, where the darkness whispers secrets and the silence echoes within your soul. Find us online for some extra creepy content at creepyshow and if you happen to make it through the night, don't forget to share this podcast with someone you want to terrorize. Good night, my little creepies. Sleep with one eye open, for the night is long and full of horror. Ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. Thank you.